Biathlon Junior World Trials 2021

After a year-long break from the biathlon scene, I made my return debut at the United States Biathlon Association Junior World Trials in Soldier Hollow, Utah on December 28-31, 2021.

I went into these races with low expectations and hoping for a miracle if I wanted to do well. Unfortunately, there was no divine intervention and I had some of the worst performances of my career! It was straight up embarrassing. (It’s okay, you can laugh.)

I can try to blame this on the week leading up to the races. I arrived in Wyoming to see my family and celebrate the holidays. To my dismay, it was an almost brown Christmas :( There was no snow to ski on to help me acclimate to the 7,000 foot increase in altitude. With my foot injury, I could not do much running and with Covid-19, I did not feel safe trying to go to the local gym. I was dormant and knew this would not be good for me in preparing to race the next week. Then, when I planned to drive over to Utah early to get on snow, a sudden blizzard came in and I couldn’t leave my house!

Everything else wasn’t going to plan, might as well add some stress, closed roads, and a bad attitude. Ultimately, my poor performance can only be blamed on myself. I felt out of sync with my mind and body. I felt as if I gave up on myself and lost the race before I even started. I also felt like I let my coach down and let my family down. I was mad at myself because I knew I could do better.

However, I did complete my first serious biathlon races in over a year… and I promptly got my butt handed to me! But that in and of itself is an accomplishment to me. Of course, not doing well was disappointing, but I can brush it off now that I have had time to absorb it. When I reflect on the week, I know I was not skiing and shooting to my full potential and that gives me hope and motivation for the rest of the season. After all, it has just gotten started!

There were many positives to the races. I was happy to be racing at all, considering my history with injury and with the pandemic canceling many events. Additionally, it was very exciting to see how much biathlon has grown. The number of starters tripled compared to when I started two years ago! And, of course, it was a pleasure being able to see the friends I have made through this sport that otherwise live on opposite sides of the country.

After the races I had the opportunity to spend a week with my sister, Andrea, in her new hometown, Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Woefully, I caught a cold so we spent the majority of our time together keeping the wood stove fire alive, taking her dog, Cora, for walks, enjoying the local cuisine, and relaxing in Strawberry Hot Springs! And, finally, I got back to Wyoming where there is snow now. I am glad I was able to get at least some time on skis at my homegrown trails. That is, until I was charged by a moose! After a difficult week of racing, rest and quality time with family is exactly what I needed.

Of course, no trip to Wyoming is complete without going to SkinnySkis! They helped me stock up on the new fluoro-free waxes so be sure to drop in for the latest and greatest in ski waxing technology.

And lastly, I am excited to be a part of Team Nuun again this year! Hydration is very important for staying healthy, so I use their products diligently and highly recommend them. Stay tuned for discount codes ;)


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